
Teeth can be lost to gum disease, decay or injury. Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and benefit your appearance and your health. They can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may even help fill out the appearance of your face and profile. Dentures may even improve the look of your smile.

Traditional Dentures 

Traditional dentures are an economical way to replace missing teeth. They are made of a flesh-colored acrylic base that fits over your gums. The base of the upper denture covers the palate (roof of your mouth), and the lower denture is horseshoe shaped to accommodate the tongue. Traditional dentures generally require several appointments for molds, extractions, fittings, and adjustments but cost less than premium dentures.

Premium Dentures

Premium dentures are made from high-quality materials that fit well to the shape and size of the wearer’s mouth and can also be adjusted to reflect the natural color of the oral cavity. They are customized according to both the mouth and other defining elements of the face--cheekbones, jawline, etc. Premium dentures are impact-resistant and stain-resistant. The material they're made from is strong and designed to mimic the gradual wear of natural tooth enamel, for less wear and longer tooth life.

If you're considering dentures, call for a consultation. We're here to help!

Ball Attachment Dentures

Your oral health is dependent on the health and status of your teeth. Missing teeth create a domino effect of shifting your jaw alignment, creating problems with your speech, atrophy occurring with your bone, and gum tissue and the inability to eat foods that you once enjoyed. CFD Smile of Desoto can replace your teeth using implant retained dentures.

There are two types of implant-supported dentures: bar-retained and ball-retained. In both cases, the denture will be made of an acrylic base that will look like gums. Porcelain or acrylic teeth that look like natural teeth are attached to the base. 

The simplest option for implant retained dentures when all of the lower teeth are missing is the ball attachment denture. This system is the placement of two dental implants in your lower jaw that allows you to snap the denture into place. This option is considerably more comfortable than loose dentures and provides a lot of stability. The stability and functionality of the ball attachment denture give patients approximately 60% of what they had with their natural teeth, opposed to 10% of the functionality of loose dentures. 

Benefits of Ball Attachment Dentures
  • Higher initial retention compared to other systems
  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to clean
  • Replacement components identical so easy to replace in case of failure

Immediate vs Complete Dentures

Read more about Immediate vs Complete Dentures

Implant Retained Dentures

When you have lost your natural teeth, a variety of complications can arise that impact your physical and emotional health. You may find it difficult to speak clearly or chew your favorite foods. You may be embarrassed and try to hide your smile from others. You may also experience shifting among your remaining teeth, causing additional discomfort in your mouth and jaw. Implant retained dentures offer a solution that provides comfort and relief. They can replace both upper and lower teeth, giving you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures. 

Implant-Supported Partial Dentures

Screw-Retained Dentures

When you have lost your natural teeth, a variety of complications can arise that impact your physical and emotional health – beyond just your smile. Dentures are an important part of restoring your smile’s appearance, but they can pose challenges for some. Implant retained dentures offer you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures.

Screw-retained dentures are among the most permanent teeth-replacement options for those needing a full set of lower dentures. Screw-retained dentures are also called fixed dentures, permanent dentures or All-on-4. This type of implant-supported denture uses four or more implants in your lower jaw. The complete set of dentures is affixed to these anchors with screws, meaning they are exceptionally secure – they also do not need to be removed for daily cleaning. Instead, you will be able to clean around and under the teeth and along your gums. This cleaning is more challenging for some, but this option provides a more permanent solution for patients with extensive tooth loss.

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